Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation are parallel words with different meanings. Monitoring refers the collection and analysis of information in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of a task or a project. They are related to the targets set and activities planned during the planning phases. It helps to maintain the track and to know the state of art.
A good Monitoring and Evaluation is a heart of an organisation. Evaluation is the matching of actual project goals with the achieved goals. It looks at what you set out to do, what you have accomplished and what will be your highway for final accomplishment. It is carried out during the run of the project. Monitoring and Evaluation is a side by side process.
Monitoring and Evaluation are the important guides in order to reach the destination. In lack of Monitoring and evaluation, there low to no chances of finalizing any task. The common aspect of monitoring and evaluation is that both of them are management phenomena. Information and data collection for checking progress is collected as reference periodically while monitoring is a short phase assessment which does not take into account the outcomes and impact unlike the evaluation process. Evaluations is used to promote new projects, get support from governments, raise funds from public or private institutions and inform the general public on the different activities.
United Nations Evaluation Group has stepped up a standard monitoring and evaluation tools. Many international organisations have been adopting those standards. However, all organisations can set up their own guidelines for monitoring and evaluation approach. UIZ has been working on the outsourcing monitoring and evaluation projects.

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