Remote Sensing of Water Resources

The course aim to develop Land resource management in order to mitigate associated problems. And to support decision-making in water.

Main achievement
      1. Delineate the surface water bodies, estimate meteorological variables like temperature and precipitation,
      2. Estimate hydrological state variables like soil moisture and land surface characteristics,
      3. To estimate fluxes such as evapotranspiration.
What is the course content?
      1. Introduction to water resources management.
      2. Principles of remote sensing
      3. Spatial data analysis tools
      4. Data acquisition by remote sensing
      5. Image classification and interpretation
      6. Spatial data visualization
      7. estimation of the hydro-meteorological state variables
      8. Determine of delineation of the surface waterbodies
      9. Quality assessment of spatial data
      10. Data interpretation and analysis for land resource inventory
For whom?

The training course is designed for professionals (engineers and scientists) involving in the water, environmental and hydrogeology sector. Pre-requisites are a basic knowledge of computing and water related topics. Course delivery will be in English.

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