Environmental Research
Environmental research and development is one of UIZ’s many focuses. We have established and highly qualified professionals in the fields of environment, geoinformatics and hydrogeological services to name a few. Our experienced professionals and engineering team are dedicated to serve in the areas of geoinformatics, remote sensing and GIS systems for the benefit of industries and commercial applications.
Forest Research
This UIZ research cluster focuses on research and consultancy services for forest, biodiversity, food security and environmental issues. The mission is to research for sustainable management of biodiversity by developing geo-information and earth observations through the use of spatio-temporal analytical tools. Spatial information is used to assess, monitor, plan and manage natural resources. Cross-cutting topics include human impacts as well as technology applications. UIZ is active in spatial environmental health as well as natural resource security.
Agricultural Research
UIZ also focuses on agricultural research and offers research and consultancy services for agricultural development, food security and environmental issues. The mission is to develop a solution for sustainable management for biodiversity by making observations on the climate and applying our knowledge of this field.
Cluster leader: Dr. Prafull Kumar Singh