Project Description
HVD - Humanistischer Verband Deutschlands - Berlin-Brandenburg
October, 2016
Monitoring and Survey Application
Our software development division is one of the most profitable sectors of our company. This department’s incomes make a 30% of our complete’s revenue. Here is one of the projects for China’s marketplace and consumers, which brought us many benefits including new potential customers from China and a ticket for a Chinese application and software market.
The Client
A private hospital from China requested an application for patient’s health and environmental monitoring in order to access the current patient’s condition and help them to overcome the illness. The environment monitoring part is used to exclude all the external factors on patient’s conditions changes and to measure those environmental impacts.
At the same time, the hospital will use this application to monitor changes in the surrounding environment, with no human impacts. This is one of the managerial tasks, not related to the patients nor medical staff.
Survey Application – Project Objectives
The main project aims are to improve the patient-doctor relationship and to build the trust in hospital’s good intentions. In the modern world, the trust among the people has been devastated, even completely destroyed and lost. From that reason, this project can be characterized as a social responsibility project of a middle scope.
Another project objective is research-oriented. One of the application modules is developed to conduct the surveys among patients and doctors, where the results of these surveys will be used to redirect the hospital’s management where the improvements are needed, in one of the cases. The surveys can be modified for various topics, including the medical research, too. Today, mobile and web applications usage expanded on many fields, and medicine is one of the most popular areas.
The Requirements
The survey application development process is constructed in 3 parts:
The first step is the consultation for the requirements collection. This step is very important to understand the general idea of the survey application, as well as, to develop detailed software requirements document. The second step is application modules development, where it’s important to mention the programing language used:
XForms- XML format used for displaying collected inputs from the survey for application survey module developed for the Web platform.
JavaRosa-an XForms client written in Java Mobile Edition (J2ME)- used mostly in a smart phone application development process, in this case, for Android platform.
The basic technical requirements for this project are:
Application platform: Android and Windows application (Web-based application, too)
Programming languages in use: XML / XForms / Javarosa
Modules: Monitoring Module & Survey Module
Interface: Monitoring Module is supported for 2 types of users: patients and doctors
Survey Module has universal interface (no correlation between those two modules)
Availability: Available on Google Play Store & Windows App Store

One of the challenges in this application development process is the customization step. The application needs to be customized to serve the hospital’s medical staff and patients at the same time, were additional efforts were required.
The Solution for Environmental Monitoring
The mechanism that was used for recording changes and monitoring effects of the external factor on the surrounding environment is called repeat photography: taking a picture that exactly aligns with a previous photo. This mechanism’s results have been marked as high-quality because the time factor has been measured and implemented in the devastation calculations. Also, these pictures are a visual record of change — pictures of trees or streams or beaches over time are used for measuring the effects of erosion and climate change.
The survey application delivery deadline was the end of 2016, where the deadline has completely aligned with the client’s wish. Before the application was released for wider use within the company, the probation process was organized. The first result showed that the application works perfectly, with very low bug rate.
Our Software and Web-based development details are available here