Project Description
Green WaterHut, Northen Ghana
October, 2016
The client
Green WaterHut is a non-Governmental Organisation that works in the development of innovative
interventions for rural communities across Africa. Located in Ghana, this organisation aims to work in
the mitigation of issues related to safe access to water, health, sanitation, food, and energy.
The activities of WaterHut are mainly in consultancy, dealing with the capacity building and promotion
in the areas of water, sanitation, health, agriculture, and energy management.
The project
The UIZ in Berlin, had the opportunity to work in a data collection project with Green WaterHut. Within
the project activities, there were several challenges that our team faced.
The scope of the project:
• To implement the affordable water harvesting project in the northern part of Ghana.
• To review the current practices of rainwater harvesting in the region.
• To develop an improved rainwater harvesting system that takes advantage of local
• To treat harvested water for safe household drinking.
• To improve the storage maintenance system.
• To make affordable the process to the poor masses.
The solution
The solution that UIZ Berlin proposed for this project was the use of our mobile survey app. Within
the project activities were the application of surveys in the communities to conduct and analyze the
data collection as per client requirements. The data collection through surveys was:
• The Rainfall pattern to show the spatial distribution of rainfall in the region.
• Topographic analysis to show the drainage pattern in the region.
• The quantity of water harvested and stored per household using the traditional
system such as the underground tank.
• The spatial distribution of the household traditional systems in relation to the
locations of other uses of the same water such as irrigation for agriculture.
The result
By using our mobile survey app, the client was satisfied since we accomplished all the project
tasks. Through the process of data collection, the client was able to:
• Manage the collected data in the geodatabase.
• Visualize the information in the form of a graph or table.
• Development of visual maps with the collected data.
• Support in the process of discovering useful information, gaining insights, and drawing
• Transparency and correct control and monitoring of the collected data.
With years of experience, professional and specialized staff, “Umwelt und
Informationstechnologie Zentrum” UIZ GmbH supports you in the use of a mobile survey app
for the development of your project.
For more information or other services, please contact us.
Umwelt und Informationstechnologie Zentrum, UIZ GmbH Address: Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 34, 10178 Berlin
Phone: +49-30-20679115
E-mail: [email protected]